the spent dreams of volcanoes


installation comprising of 3 planes:

the paper skies, the horizon shadows,

and the foiled islands

dimension for this configuration

105’’ x 120’’ x 146’’

photos Xiao Yao Yao

     the spent dreams of volcanoes is a site-specific installation inspired by observing a waterfall in a natural reserve. It was created as an homage to natural forces present on Earth that continue to shape continents, oceans and the sky, the wind

the spent dreams of volcanoes is a site-specific installation inspired by observing a waterfall in a natural reserve. It was created as an homage to natural forces present on Earth that continue to shape continents, oceans and the sky, the wind and coursing water that ripple and carve the rocks and the clouds, the light that illuminates and invariably generates shadows, and the heat that pressurizes and evaporates.

Throughout civilizations and across continents, heterodox creation myths, personal cosmologies, and research in planetary science (via the theory of tectonic plates) attest that notions of the foundational are deeply rooted in humanity’s search for agency and identity. This work explores the notion of conception through a poetic lens and the formal language of geomorphic structures.

Paper clouds hover, indifferent

above foiled obscure lands —

part ominous, part serene,

a Ying-Yang fractional crystallization